Sometimes You Just Need Cake...

So lately I've been feeling a little down and out. I'm sure the reason is because I'm not working (no complaint about that!) and I'm by myself a lot, which I usually don't mind, but since my husband works the afternoon shift nowadays (not to mention usually 6 days a week!) it's a little more difficult for me. I don't usually do these kinds of "Oh, poor me!" posts, but I'm just feeling it today. Soooo I decided to bake. Sometimes baking or cooking in general just makes me feel better. I'm not at all a baker, and I don't even like cake that much. (Maybe just a little ;)) I do, however, enjoy frosting the cake and eating the frosting! I rarely ever make cakes from scratch so there's no recipe to give for this. Just white cake mix, vanilla frosting and strawberries! Sorry!! I know all you bakers out there are cringing at the thought!!! I did make a cake from scratch one time... In Home Economics when I was in high school! 

Ain't she a beaut! ;) I know I feel better!


  1. Awwwww! Wish I was there to help you eat this!!!! But as you know Im not much of a sweet eater myself. I would love to be there we could go see a movie!!!!! That would be great!!! Love you and miss you!!!

    1. Aww thanks Mom!!! You should just come visit me for a couple of weeks!!! I love you and miss you like crazy!!!
