One of Those Days....

Ok... So this is going to be one of those mini ranty posts.. I want to apologize ahead of time for that. First and foremost : Football at 9:30am!!! Yea, yea I get it everybody likes the NFL and it's cool and all if you're in LONDON!!!! Yay for you guys, but I didn't even realize that was happening this week and what if, just what if, Megatron was miraculously better and I left him on the bench!?!? Well thankfully that didn't happen, but I'm still out of whack because my Sunday schedule is out of whack.... 

Note to self* Don't forget to thaw the chicken! 

Secondly, if I have to paint one more wall or nook or cranny, which I do... I swear I'm going to go crazy and tear down every wall!!! Lol, It'd probably be more like, I knock a hole in the wall, but then I have to patch it up on my own, aaand that's just more work.... I'll be done painting soon. 

Thirdly, Ladybugs! Ladybugs are everywhere. I'm not at all surprised about it, but it is, nonetheless, annoying. How do they get in?!?! It's like "I know you're dying and all but do you have to do it in my house Mr. Ladybug?"

Ok, Last thing... I just joined weight watchers... I'm still deciding...

But hey, look!!!! Pictures that have little or nothing to do with this post! 

Say Hello to Jupiter, Our Venus Flytrap!!


Such a messy painter!


  1. Oh your paintings are lovely and ladybugs are not so bad, better then cave crickets though my kitty kills them all :O

    Allie of ALLIE NYC

    1. Is that like a camel cricket? Because those are gross... definitely much rather have the ladybug problem...
