Photo Booth Fun at My Nephew's Graduation!!

Better late than never! That's like my motto, for real! I kind of procrastinate on lots of things usually, but I do eventually get them done! I finally have the pictures from my nephew Matt's graduation party  done! My Mother-in-law asked me if I would set up a photo booth for the party and I was more than happy to! Photo booths are soooo much fun!!! I was going to set up one for my friend Libby's wedding but that ended up not happening. Sorry Libby!!! It was quite a hectic time, me being in the wedding and all and helping out with other things! I sooo wish we would have been able to set it up though. People have such a great time with them!!

Anyways, here are a few of the pics from the graduation party!!

Fun stuff!!! 


  1. Replies
    1. We did have a pretty spectacular time! Lol and photo booths are always the most fun!
